Christmas Light Installation
Pricing Guide

Learn how to accurately QUOTE CHristmas light installs online

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Types of Orders

"Use My Lights" = Customer Already Has Lights

(bid should only include labor for installation & removal)

"Use My Lights" means that the customer already has professionally cut, LED lights and they only need you to provide a bid for the labor to install and remove the lights.  

It's important to read through each customer order carefully, some customers may have a combination of "Use My Lights" and "New LED Lights" items in their order. (Example: customer orders Roofline- Use My Lights and Archway- With LED Lights. The customer already has the lights for their roofline but they'd like to add new LED lights to their archway. Your bid needs to include the labor-only for the roofline installation & take-down AND labor & new lights for their archway.

"LED Lights Provided by Vendor" = Customer Needs LED Lights

(bid must include material for new C9 LED lights & labor for installation & removal)

"LED lights provided by vendor" means that the customer has no lights. They want you to provide a bid that includes both the materials (lights) and labor for the installation and take-down.

Commercial-Grade Materials

Only Use Approved Commercial-Grade Materials

All materials used must be commercial-grade quality, not purchased from a retail store such as Home Depot, Target, Walmart, Lowe's, etc.  The use of incandescent bulbs is forbidden. Installers are required to use proper line connections.

  • C9 LED BULBS. C7 bulbs may be used if customer requests them.

  • C9 Socket Cord 18 AWG SPT-1. 12" to 15" spacing.

  • Proper/Safe line connections are required. The use of electrical tape to cover line connections is forbidden.

Order Definitions

When viewing the customer orders, it's important that you understand all of the various line items so you can provide an accurate bid.

Front Roofline
The front roofline typically includes all edges of roofline that are visible to the front of the house.
Front Ridge Line
Front ridge line includes any roof ridges that are visible from the front of the house or from the street. Proper "Ridge Clips" are required to install lights on ridge lines. Ridge lines can be expensive because of the amount of lights & strand needed.
Front Sides
Vertical lights down the left and right sides of the house.
Rear Roofline
Some customers may request lights along the roofline in the back or sides of the house.
Lights around the front entrance archway(s). Some homes may have multiple arches. Arches typically range from 25-50 LF.
Window Outline
Lights wrapped around the window(s) of the house. Windows vary in size. Small windows typically require 25-35 LF. Large windows may require 30-75 LF.
Flower Bed Outline
Lights outlining the flower beds in the front of the home. For stone or concrete flower beds, the lights may be hot glued. Otherwise, proper ground stakes are required.
Garage Door Outline
Lights outlining the garage door. A standard 2-car garage door requires about 35 LF of lights. A single-car garage door requires about 25 LF of lights.
Tree Wrapping
Tree wrapping typically includes wrapping the truck and branches using 5MM LED strands. It's very important to confirm with the customer the size of tree and how they would like the tree wrapped. While small trees may only require about 5 strands of lights, large trees can easily use 25+ strands.  The material cost for each strand is typically $15-$20 per strand, not including the labor cost for installing them. A large oak tree could easily cost $1,500 to light.
Walkway Outline
Lights outlining both sides of the front walkway up to the front door. Proper ground stakes are required for installation.
LED Outdoor Wreaths
Pre-Lit LED wreaths vary in size from 36" - 60" and the material cost ranges from $80 - $300 depending on the size and quality.
Programmable Timers
Programmable timers are essential and typically range in price from $15 - $20, wholesale.

Virtual Measurements

Calculating the size of a roofline and amount of material needed is a skill that requires simple math and practice.  Some pros use special measurement software or Google Earth for measurements. Using a garage door or front door in view, you can easily calculate the estimated size just eye-balling it. Use the below markers as a baseline to calculate the size of a roofline.

2-Car Garage Door

Width: 17 FT
Height: 8 FT
~35LF of material for outline

1-Car Garage Door

Width: 8-9 FT
Height: 8 FT
~25LF of material for outline

Measurement Examples

As a rule of thumb, you always want to include 15% - 20% extra material when calculating a bid. It's better to be slightly over than under. These examples are materials only and do not include labor. You will need to include labor cost when placing your bids.

Roofline: ~120 LF
2-Car Garage: 35 LF
Archway: 25 LF
Windows: 60 LF (20 LF ea)

Total: ~240 LF of Lights
Material Cost (Est.): $360 ($1.50/LF)

Roofline: 90 LF
2-Car Garage: 35 LF
Archway: 25 LF
Windows: 20 LF
Driveway Outline: 40 LF
Flower Bed Outline: 25 LF

Total: ~235 LF of Lights
Material Cost (Est.): $352.50 ($1.50/LF)

Roofline: 225 LF
2-Car Garage(s): 70 LF
Archway: 30 LF
Windows: 115 LF
48" Wreaths: $360 ($180/ea)

Total: ~440 LF of Lights
Material Cost (Est.): $1,020 ($1.50/LF)

Roofline: 110 LF
2-Car Garage: 35 LF
Archway: 25 LF
Windows: 50 LF
Front Sides: 35 LF

Total: ~255 LF of Lights
Material Cost (Est.): $382.50 ($1.50/LF)

Wholesale Pricing

Lights and materials can be purchased from your local light wholesaler. Below, we've included the wholesale pricing for DW PRO LIGHTS in Arlington, TX as an example. Prices vary depending on location and supplier.

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